Collin Mulliner releases TelStop app for Android devices to stop TEL attacks

Collin Mulliner releases TelStop app for Android devices to stop TEL attacks

Earlier this week we found out that tons of Samsung devices including the Galaxy S III were vulnerable to a very simple hack that could hard reset the phone.

The hack essentially required a simple html file that ran a TEL url with the reset code for the phone.

A bunch of Android based devices dialed the USSD code without confirming from the user resulting in data loss.

Collin Mulliner has released a simple app named TelStop that can save you from such attacks.

The app simply registers as a URL handler for TEL links. So whenever a malicious code is processed by the phone’s browser, user gets the popup to select between the dialer and the TelStop app.

This is a pretty simple approach to stop the hack from hard resetting vulnerable devices. It is not a permanent solution though. It remains to be seen if manufacturers would roll out patches for all the affected models.