Lightbox - Your Photo Journal launches on Google Android

Lightbox has launched the second generation edition of their Google Android app.

The app basically provides an alternative photo gallery on your phone. All images are backed up online on their servers.

The new version comes with a brand new feature named Photo Journal.

Lightbox - Your Photo Journal launches on Google Android

Essentially, you can now configure the app to manage a public photo blog online.

All the photos you take are automatically posted online in a blog like interface. People can browse it like a blog and follow it. Example

Only the publicly shared photos are featured on this photo journal.


Introducing Lightbox 2.0 - your personal photo journal

Brand new interface with swipeable tabs

We now automatically organize your photos into a timeline of postcards. You can keep these private, or selectively share them with friends, family, or the Lightbox community

Photos you publicly share will be published to your own website at:

New Explore tab where you can find & follow other Lightbox users

Facebook & Twitter photos are now in separate tabs