OpenPhoto 1.3.1 now out

The developers behind the awesome OpenPhoto platform have released the latest version.

OpenPhoto 1.3.1 now out

OpenPhoto 1.3.1 comes with a bunch of new features:

Our new brand and logo. We’ve got a new logo and we love it. It’s a great representation of what OpenPhoto is and which principles guide us: openness, community and freedom.
The OpenPhoto Project website. The newly designed site contains documentation, a community and instructions on getting started.
The hosted version. You’ll need an invite but we’ve made it as easy as possible to get started with OpenPhoto. The hosted version is at and you can see an example at
iPhone app updates. Lots and lots of performance upgrades. The app should be much faster and responsive now. Get on the beta tester list using TestFlight.
A new AMI. The easiest way to get up and running is to boot an instance of the new OpenPhoto AMI. You can search for openphoto under Amazon’s community AMIs and select the newest one.

The app offers an open source solution to run your own photo service online.